Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So far, so good!

So far, so good with the gardens unit study. Granted, we're only done with day two. But still. One thing I'm learning is that my perfectionist firstborn is very straight-laced. Everything must be in order and by the book. I feel a real stirring in me to mix things up for him, so I've been giving him more out of the box questions. I've changed up everything he is doing except math. I can see the struggle in him over it, and I hear (often) the whining and disapproval that he feels. But when I am directed by Yahweh, I will obey, and He has told me to mix it up for him. I have such a heart to guide my children to think beyond what they are reading and learning. Millie has absolutely no problem doing this. The child needs to be reeled in, to learn to follow directions. It is exactly the opposite with Caleb.

At church and homeschool activities Caleb is the one who has a hard time if rules are changed or bent. In his mind, rules are to be followed. Exactly. No deviation. And when the contrary happens, it shakes his world. As he is getting older, I'm feeling more and more compelled to help him learn to adapt and be more flexible. Guess that's why I felt so strongly about doing this Gardens study with him.

Oh, and he HATES to draw. Have I ever mentioned that? It ain't pretty. Today he was supposed to draw a picture of Monet's gardens, and that just about did him in. Because he isn't the greatest at drawing things *exactly* as they look, he has a meltdown. When I guide him to be more abstract, to not worry that it isn't exactly right, he just can't go there in his mind. It has to be perfect or nothing. So, we'll just keep working on it.

Things are going so well with my weight loss! I'm being very rigid with weighing foods and counting points, writing down every bite. The fruit of that is being down 9.3 pounds, 4.2 of it this week alone. Yay for me! This is it for me. Yahweh said to go back to the beginning, what He originally told me to do, and I did. He is so faithful!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tana,

    I went to Calvary Chapel today and Sonya said you came and asked for me. I guess great minds think alike ;) This was our first time at Calvary Chapel and I really enjoyed the message. I hope all is going well for you and your family.

