Saturday, June 6, 2009

A New Plan

I can't believe another year is over. We don't stop our schooling. Instead, we choose to school year-round. Many in our circle of friends ask why we do this, and it's simple, really: It works for our lifestyle. We are very relaxed in our approach to life, and that flows over into our schooling. We take a week off in September to go to the beach with my family, and we take a lot of time off in the winter when the weather is quite glorious. Because Florida summers are so miserably hot, we choose to stay in and school through the summer. The inside air is much nicer than the outside heat and humidity in the summer months. So, that's what we do. We school year-round and take time off during unconventional times. We take advantage of low-travel periods to fly. When others are traveling (spring break, fall break, etc.), we stay home. We're homeschoolers. We can do that.

I've been working toward putting together a new curriculum plan. Caleb will be in "4th" and Millie in "1st". At this time, I'm leaning toward going back to WinterPromise and using the workbox system to accomplish more. We'll be doing American History no matter what we use. I haven't decided whether to use American Story I or All-American or something else entirely, but there is time to work that out. Here is what else we'll be doing (so far that I've decided) --

Both kids:
WinterPromise Animal Worlds (science)
WinterPromise American History

Horizons 4 math
WP Language Arts 4
WP Rock Around the Earth (Geology, per C's request)
Dance: 2-3 classes at Dance Depot
Guitar lessons resumed?

WP Phonics
WP L/A Readers
Dance: 1-2 classes at Dance Depot

There are some other things I want to blog about, but that's probably enough for now. I hope I can keep this blog up. My track record isn't the best with blogging, but I'm really going to try. :-)